reflections of our life on the farm and beyond

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Some preggy pics

For those of you, this pregnancy was not planned.  but it wasn't completely avoided for either.  We just figured that if it happened, it happened.  And for those that are counting, this is pregnancy #11.  Like the other kids, this pregnancy has been closely monitored and I have had to take various hormone supplements to ensure the viability.  It sounds a drag, but you do what you have to do.

Because of my age, I had to go for an amniocentesis.  I did the same with Bella too.  I hate them, not because of the actual test, but the whole waiting game afterwards.  But everything is fine in that regard.  And NO, we do not know the sex.  It is amazing how many times we are asked this.  I guess a lot of people find out these days and that is their choice, but it is not mine.  So much of my pregnancies is planned, monitored, watched, tested, probed, poked is nice to have at least one surprise in it all.

This pregnancy has been completely different to any of the others.  I have been much more active and in fact, have not really shown that much.  I payed racquetball right up to 19 weeks (even playing int he grand final....which we won!) and no-one knew I was expecting.  I did loose 11kg just before getting pregnant, so that may have something to do with it all.
20 weeks & 2 days
25 weeks
27 weeks and 5 days

32 weeks
34 weeks and 5 days
I recently had some professional maternity pics taken by Wal Slow form South Western Studios.  I have only seen the proofs so far, but they are GORGEOUS.  Jan (Wal's wife) and I discussed what type of pictures I was after prior to the session and now my choices are just so damn difficult!!!  As per every pregnancy, we choose one to be enlarged to go on our bedroom wall.  Mark reckons that this is definitely the last kid we are having because we are running out of wall space!  Ha ha.  In the meantime, more preggy snapshots are coming!

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