Back into the swing of regular life. Tom back at school and starting in grade 1. Biddy starts at 4yo kindergarten and Bella starts 1/2 day a week at occasional care. This now gives me 4 hours on a Friday to myself. Kidless. Bliss. But let's face it, I use this time to do all the little jobs that have piled up throughout the week that you don't want to do with small kids in tow, such as the banking, post office, shopping, in person bill paying, etc. The 4 hours FLIES. And then it is followed by about 2 hours of going backwards and forwards in picking kids up again. Thank god Tom is on the bus. That is one time saving.
A Yellow Day. With Nanny. |
Ready to face the world without mummy...*sob* |
the water play was an immediate hit. |
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Tom managed to loose tooth #3.....right before school photos! Happened last year too.
Mark took delivery of our brand new Claas tractor! The one that this replaced arrived at the dealership the day that tom was born. Mark would let them deliver it to the farm until we returned from Melbourne with the baby! So it was coming up 7 yo and had done a LOT of work. If it stays true to form, Tom will be 14yo when we get another replacement!!
How happy does he look? |
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