reflections of our life on the farm and beyond

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A dead short

I am currently sitting here in a unique situation....we have lost all lights and the powerpoints in the front room (aka Biddy's "new" room), but we have power (via outlets) to the rest of the house! So we can use lamps, computers, tv, kitchen implements, washer, dryer etc... but we are forced to do it all in the dark.

Usually, when our power goes off, everything goes. Mark was out feeding the dogs and cats with the boy when this happened....I was bathing Biddy who kept a remarkable sense of calm about her as she was plunged into darkness whilst probably underwater! The fuse board would not reset, and being a dairy farm with electricians on speed dial (how fortunate) Mark was able to speak to one of the sparky's straight away. However, the news is not great. Apparently, it is known as a "dead short" and it will require one of the electricians to get out here tomorrow morning and go over all the house wiring. I have never heard of this!

In the meantime, we have bought a floodlight inside and plugged it into a powerpoint in the bathroom to shine down the hallway for Tom in case he gets up in the middle of the night (plus, he's recently taken to needing a dimmer light left on....sigh...another story that one), but woe betide anyone that looks directly at it, because it is so damn bright it'll fry your eyeballs!

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