reflections of our life on the farm and beyond

Monday, April 8, 2013

to Venus Bay (Day 24)

We were headed for Port Lincoln tonight, but we didn't make it.  Then we were going to stop at Streaky Bay (again) but the caravan park was full.  So we pushed onto Venus Bay and I'm so glad we did.  It was just lovely.  The caravan park was well situated, the fish seemed to be aplenty (judging by how many were being cleaned), the showers were fantastic, and the owners were just LOVELY.  So far, this caravan park is rating as THE BEST one we have visited and I can highly recommend it as a beach retreat.  There is nothing in the town though (and I mean, nothing), so if you can't make your own entertainment, this is not the place for you.  But pics of VB to follow in the next post.

But first, let me backtrack to the Nullarbor.

The sunrise this morning was simply beautiful.  I am sure it is pretty spectacular elsewhere too, but I am not usually up to see if.  And if I am, I am usually tending to a child, or when the season occurs, feeding calves.
First rays

Mark having breaky outside our van
Our neighbour for the night!  Yep, our site was right next to the airstrip!! 
We missed this sign on the way over - actually, I'm not sure that there is a sign saying Eastern End of Nullarbor..., so we nicked up the road a 100m or so and snapped this sign.

Head of the Bight
This is the Head fo the Bight...not far from Nullarbor Roadhouse.  I have to admit that there re more spectacular view of the Bight further along (and free....this one cost $5/adult), but what this one has going for it, is when the whlaes are migrating and calving, they do it here.  And at Warrnambool, which is just up the road from where we live, so this place isn' all that special to us!!  But the views were still stunning
At the Bight
As we neared to Venus Bay, we saw a turnoff to Murphy's Haystacks.  these are great whopping boulders that are in someone's paddock.  That farmer has allowed public access to them (god bless).  In fact, the boulders have not popped out of the ground, but rather, they are made of granite (pink nonetheless) and the surrounding earth has eroded away from them.  So the ground use to be a hellova lot higher than today!

Apparently, they got their name because people thought that the rocks were haystacks in the paddock.  Dunno how true that is, but it makes a good story.

This was between 2 boulders and it was like a wind tunnel 

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