reflections of our life on the farm and beyond

Thursday, March 21, 2013

We're off! Home to Adelaide (Day 1)

After many months of talking about it, the day has finally arrived when we are headed to WA in the caravan for a month.  Personally, I'd love to go for longer.  In fact, I would take the kids out of school and travel with them for an undetermined period of time if I could.  We've met a few families doing just this over the years and I think that what the kids miss out on, is picked up by the experiences that they have along the way.

However, for us, this is not an option, so I need to be content with the breaks that I can get.  And a month is nothing to be sneezed at.
Packed up and ready to Camperdown for our first toilet stop.
So today, we drove out the gate about 1 hour later than expected (8.30am) and headed for Adelaide.  I don't think that we reached Pirron Yallock (about 10 minutes up the road) when Bella started!  And Biddy made Camperdown before she needed a pee.  Mark was frazzled (on the inside) and I think it took a good few hours before everyone had settled down somewhat.

We lunched in Narracoorte (will be back this way on return trip to catch up with friends) and then pushed onto to Adelaide where we stayed at the same caravan park on the north side that we did when we were going to Darwin 3 years ago.  We arrived on dinner time and fell into bed.
Quick stop at Tailem Bend to see the Murray before moving on
Total kms travelled today: 683

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