reflections of our life on the farm and beyond

Friday, March 8, 2013

Ok...this is getting ridiculous

The length of time between posts on here - despite tantalising promises of updates - is out of control!  I see that I have missed Christmas updates and pictures, our Apollo Bay beach holiday, Biddy's 1st day of school and my birthday ( birthday was only last week, but still...).

I really, truely, need to pull my finger out.

I will....I PINKY PROMISE...update this in the next few days.  I have to, because this time next week, we will be in Adelaide on the start of our big push west.  Yes, we are embarking on our 2nd ever BIG family trip.  This time we are headed to Perth and the south west region of WA.  We will be gone for 4 weeks (taking the kids out of school for the last 2 weeks of term and also the school hols) and hopefully in all that time, we don't kill each other.  I'm not hopeful.  Bella can't get past Camperdown without starting to whinge and moan and bang on about the same thing over and over and OVER again.  What hope is there on the long haul across the Nullabor?

I will be updating the trip as we go (similar to how I posted when we went to Darwin) so report back.  In the meantime, I will catch up on all things Billing related from November to now in the next few days (in amongst packing and getting ready to go!)

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