Cripes. It seems that I have badly neglected this blog. I'm sure that I could come up with plenty of excuses, but the end of the day, I have had a million things going on and something just has to give sometimes.
Things have been going along steadily here. I can't believe that we are closing in on the remaining weeks of term 3 already. Pretty soon, Tom will no longer be a little prepie, but will be a big grade 1 kid. Sheesh. Next Thursday night we have the whole school performance and I understand that it is to centre around recycling. The preps are will be interesting to see what is in stall for us!
Health-wise, we have suffered a little around here. Mark torn some ligaments in his shoulder and cracked a bone playing baseball. Biddy has had some lingering virus which has seen her have to have 2 blood tests to try and work out what is wrong (still waiting on results), and Tom has battled an ear infection and bronchitis. Bella has been snotty and I wouldn't be surprised if she also had a touch of bronchitis as she sounded exactly like Tom. I have been fine until 2 days ago when I came down with a migraine. Needless to say, we are hanging out for the hot weather to make its appearance and hopefully burn some of these germs off.
Mark's baseball team is in the grand final on the weekend. Both the B and the B reserve Braves teams made it through which is a great effort. The problem though, is that the B grade boys meet with Corio who absolutely THUMPED them 2 weeks ago. Did I say thumped? I should have said DECIMATED them. It was a very poor result on the part of the Colac Braves with the mercy rule being invoked in the 7th innings because of the score. 21:1. A shocker. So from today, I am making it my mission to remind this score to Mark at every chance I get. A sort of intimate heckling as you will. Because if he can't take it from me in the privacy of our own home and convince ME that they are going to win, how the hell is he going to rally the fellas to face up to their biggest opponents?
The shame of it is, I have a class on Saturday, so I can't be there in person to provide some down to earth heckling if needed from the stands. Pity. Of course, they shouldn't need it and hopefully my one on one tirade will do its job over the next couple of days.
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9 years ago
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