reflections of our life on the farm and beyond

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Blessed Be...

A few weeks back, a scrapping friend of mine posted a video of the time surrounding the birth of their 5th baby and 1st son.  It was beautiful and made me think that I would like to make one too.  When Tom was born, he was a c-section baby and at the time, you weren't allowed to bring recording devices into surgery (although photos were fine and we got some rippers).  For Biddy's birth, we just didn't think about videoing much of the labour even though we did take the camera in with us.  I think I might have been gripping Mark's hand just a little too tight for him to get away.

But this time round with Bella, I told Mark that I wanted some video footage of the labour AND the birth.  Whilst the birth part is only for us, there was heaps to cobble together with various photos to make a special video that we are willing to share.

So here it is.  I hope you enjoy it.  For the first few times I reviewed it, I cried...but that might just be me!

(if you click on the icon to the left of the word vimeo, it will make the video full screen)

Untitled from Sam Simpson on Vimeo.


Wirg's Creative World said...

Oh wow Sam, this brought tears to me too! Thank you so much for sharing. I didn't have a normal delivery, so this was very very special of you to share. The song playing too is beautiful. Can you share who is singing it? Love, Wirgie/Virginia

Jane D said...

Beautiful Sam brought tears to my eyes just beautiful!!!!!