reflections of our life on the farm and beyond

Sunday, April 10, 2011

We're off!

Amazingly, we are actually running to time at the moment. We have set ourselves the timeframe of leaving after lunch and so far so good. Food packed, clothes (almost) packed, bedding done, books and colouring stuff in. The kids just need to sort out what toys they want to take (which could take a bit of negotiating) but all in all, I think we are getting into a groove.

There is light rain falling here at the moment, so I hope we leave that behind. Nice for the pastures but crap for holidays.

First stop is only at Beaconsfield to catch up with family, then to Bairnsdale, then Merimbula and finally up to Broulee (neat Bateman's Bay). As we did for our trip to Darwin and back, I'll be updating this blog with our exploits, so tune in over the next fortnight to see what we are up to.

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