Get ready for a flurry of posts over the next 4 weeks as we set off on our epic journey north to visit the Stevenson family in Darwin. But before we even drive out the gate, there is a flurry of activity right here! The organisation that goes into being able to take 4 weeks away from the farm is astonishing to say the least. I really think it will take Mark about 1 week to settle into the holiday, so it is just as well we are taking a great slab of time!
In the meantime, I am madly washing clothes, making lists and going shopping for all the things that pop into my mind at 3am! We drive out the gate at 7am THIS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!
Stay tuned.......
OMG, can't believe you are actually on the way! so looking forward to kicking back with a bourbon and catching up on all the news. also OMG, can't believe how BIG biddy is!!!! what do you feed that girl? when we left she was just a baby. amazing what 12 months time and 3 meals a day can do isn't it?! anyway keep driving north and see you soon xxx
Sorry we missed the party. enjoy the holiday, and get Mark ready for 2nd' bench if he can't get to training before the season opener.......
From The President.
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