This was my plea that fell on deaf almost 4 y.o ears. I suggested a range of fantastic and equally impressive party themes such as pirates, cowboys, Curious George, Tom & Jerry, underwater.....but NO. And not just a no. An emphatic, serious, "I can't believe you are suggesting something other than dinosaurs" NO.
So dinosaurs - for the third year in a row - it will be. Sigh.
The conversation went something like this:
Me: "Tom, what do you want to have for your birthday party this year?"
Tom: "Dinosaurs"
Me: "Don't you want something else?"
Tom: "No"
Me: "What about pirates?"
Tom: "No"
Me: "what about Tom and Jerry"
Tom: "NO!"
[continue on with me suggesting other themes always answered with a NO.]
a brief silence ensues...
Tom: "Mummy, you know, you don't have to make a T-Rex cake"
Me: "What do you want?"
Tom: "Well you could make a Kronosaurus cake instead"
Me: ?????????????
[insert me rushing to one of the many MANY dinosaur books we have here to see what a Kronosaurus actually is. Turns out, it is this monster underwater aligator like thing with flippers. Oh yeah, and it was NASTY.]
A couple of days later I mock up an invite to his party. I found a Jurrasic scene, which has numerous dinosaurs on it, on the web and I put it on the invite along with the details. Tom happens along and sees the trial version.
Tom: "What's this?"
Me: "Well, it might be the invitation to your party. Do you like it?"
Tom: [thinking and studying the invite closely] "There aren't any T-Rex's on it"
Me: "Well what's that?" [me pointing to what I believe looks like a T-Rex]
Tom: "Mummy, that's not a T-Rex, that's an Allosaurus" [with a look of contempt]
Needless to say, that version never really saw the light of day. So here is the final version that has been given the all clear from the little paelentologist. I gotta say, we are getting remarkable use and value out of all of the dino decorations!
And do you know what was the first animal sound Bridie made? Yep a dinosaur roar! Could be a cycle starting all over again.
Tom actually enjoyed being photographed for this. He even managed to pretend he was "standing" under the dinosaur!
oh sam you are so clever, that invite looks AWESOME. Hope he had a great day :)
Love the invite Sam!
very about dinos again!
So lovely to see you again this much fun did we have?
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