This was my plea that fell on deaf almost 4 y.o ears. I suggested a range of fantastic and equally impressive party themes such as pirates, cowboys, Curious George, Tom & Jerry, underwater.....but NO. And not just a no. An emphatic, serious, "I can't believe you are suggesting something other than dinosaurs" NO.
So dinosaurs - for the third year in a row - it will be. Sigh.
The conversation went something like this:
Me: "Tom, what do you want to have for your birthday party this year?"
Tom: "Dinosaurs"
Me: "Don't you want something else?"
Tom: "No"
Me: "What about pirates?"
Tom: "No"
Me: "what about Tom and Jerry"
Tom: "NO!"
[continue on with me suggesting other themes always answered with a NO.]
a brief silence ensues...
Tom: "Mummy, you know, you don't have to make a T-Rex cake"
Me: "What do you want?"
Tom: "Well you could make a Kronosaurus cake instead"
Me: ?????????????
[insert me rushing to one of the many MANY dinosaur books we have here to see what a Kronosaurus actually is. Turns out, it is this monster underwater aligator like thing with flippers. Oh yeah, and it was NASTY.]
A couple of days later I mock up an invite to his party. I found a Jurrasic scene, which has numerous dinosaurs on it, on the web and I put it on the invite along with the details. Tom happens along and sees the trial version.
Tom: "What's this?"
Me: "Well, it might be the invitation to your party. Do you like it?"
Tom: [thinking and studying the invite closely] "There aren't any T-Rex's on it"
Me: "Well what's that?" [me pointing to what I believe looks like a T-Rex]
Tom: "Mummy, that's not a T-Rex, that's an Allosaurus" [with a look of contempt]
Needless to say, that version never really saw the light of day. So here is the final version that has been given the all clear from the little paelentologist. I gotta say, we are getting remarkable use and value out of all of the dino decorations!
And do you know what was the first animal sound Bridie made? Yep a dinosaur roar! Could be a cycle starting all over again.
Tom actually enjoyed being photographed for this. He even managed to pretend he was "standing" under the dinosaur!