reflections of our life on the farm and beyond

Monday, March 16, 2009

New updates coming....

........I promise!

There has been a bit on our plates the past few weeks. A trip to New Zealand, my birthday, Mark's birthday, a family holiday to Rye...... you would think that we lived jetsetting lifestyles looking back over the past few weeks. Totally not true by the way.

I have also recently made a huge decision and taken a leap of faith and started my own business. The name is still being worked out (due to every one that I come up with being rejected by consumer affairs because it is currently in operation. could suppose that I am not very original hey?!), but I am an independant demonstrator for Stampin' Up.

But each on of these things almost requires a post on itself, so I am going to come back and fill you in on the details. At the moment, I am trying to get dinner ready, and unfortunately, Tom has just started puking, so it could be a long night for me.

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