reflections of our life on the farm and beyond

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tragedy and heartbreak

It is with an extremely heavy heart and great sadness that I write this post. Yesterday we received some terrible news - news that no parent wants to get.

A young friend of Thomas' - a kid in our swimming class - died on Saturday afternoon. And it was in the most tragic of circumstances. His mum put him down for a nap in the afternoon and instead of going to sleep, he got himself into a chest that was being used as a toy box in his room. The lid closed and he couldn't get out. He suffocated. He was 3.5yo.

I am trying my best not to think about it, but as a mother of a similar aged boy, it is damn hard not to. I look at Thomas and I just want to hold him close. I have to say, that my sharp tongue retorts towards him and my often short fuse have been held in check over the past 24 hours.

Tom and Rueben spent almost every Tuesday morning together for more than the past 2 years, initially getting used to the water and in latter months, enjoying the beginnings of actual swimming. I have watched this little boy develop from a baby into an active toddler, and I simply cannot fathom that he will no longer be there.

I cannot imagine what the family must be going through and my most deepest sympathies go to his mum and dad and their extended families.

RIP Rueben and may the angels always watch out for you and keep you in their care.

I am now off to hug my kids and tell them how much I love them. Once again, I am reminded of how precious life is.


Wirg's Creative World said...

Oh Sam, I'm so saddened and sorry to read this entry of yours. The poor parents and family. How utterly heartbreaking for them and for your family too, being so close. Take care matie, hug your kids and your hubby like there's no tomorrow!


Lisa Pate said...

WHat to say???

Everything I thin of seems not enought :( I can't even imagine what kind of heartache these parents are going through.

Love you you, and prayers for the family,


Missty said...

What terribly sad news, I guess that is a reason to be thankful that my kids won't go to sleep without one of us having to be with them.

My prayers are with the family and friends. Hope time can help sooth the pain for you all.

Lauren said...

Such a tragic story! My thoughts are with his parents too. It just shows we can never be too thankful for what we have.

Hugs to you too Sam

Rachel said...

My thoughts are with you & Reuben's family - how tragic.


smauge said...

My heart breaks for this family. We had a similar situation last year when one of the children at my son's (now my daughter's) preschool suddenly died while playing in the park. We still don't fully know what happened as the parents were too broken up to find out the autopsy results. I cried all afternoon for that little girl and I am near tears for this little boy. I too just want to take my two precious beings and squeeze them tight. God bless them and you.

Helen Jolly said...

This is just so sad.......
Big hugs to you darl and your family

I dont know what else to say
such a tragedy

Anonymous said...

oh sam I don't know what to say. such a tragedy, that poor family :(

Deanne Stewart-Mills said...

Sam, I am so sorry to hear of this terrible news. My thought are with you and the family of the little boy. I can think of nothing worse than losing one of my precious children; I would rather cut off my own arm.
Don't feel guilty for yelling at your kids - we all do it. But we also love them so much and would do anything for them. You are a wonderful mum and your kids know that.
Take care.

Unknown said...

What a terrible tragedy. Words cannot even begin to describe what this family must be going through... My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Aga xx

Carol (honeywine) said...

Sam I am so sorry about this and wish you well as you go through this - it is hard to know what to say - except I am thinking of you sweetie... lots of hugs

Tracy said...

Sam this is so tragic, huggs to you.

I also don't know what to say, what do you say when something like this happens... I can only imagine what your friends family is going through right now.

It would be every parents worst nightmare and one I pray I never have to go through

Tracy x

Michelle said...

How heartbreaking for you all. What a very sad thing to have happen. My thoughts are with you darl. Sending a big hug your way!
