Over the past week or so, a couple of friends have done their bit to increase Australia's population by giving birth to healthy babies. One had a boy and the other a girl (nicely evened out!). So I got cracking and whipped up a couple of cards.
Recently, I have discovered Snapfish. For those that are unaware, this is an online photo processing group. Cheap (but not cheap in the nasty way), quick and good quality. I tend to print photos off at home on our own printer as I need them, but I have recently had cause to print a lot of photos at once. This gets mighty expensive when doing it at the local photo shop or the electrical stores. So Snapfish has saved me a lot of money in getting snaps printed off. One of the prints I had done, is the only one of the 4 of us, taken just after Bridie was bought home (it is also the photo I use in our profile on this blog). It's not a bad one, so I thought I would scrap it. It came up really well.
Our house has also been hit by some lurgy lately. Both Tom and Bridie have been suffering with croup - in Bridie's case, badly enough to see a doctor. Mark complained of feeling unwell and I too wasn't feeling 100%. Just that time of year I guess.
AI (artificial insemination) of the cows begins next week, which means that basically we move from one busy period straight into another. We've almost got 130 rearable heifers for this year's calving (whoo hoo) and with the birth of some cross bred calves, calving season is almost finished. For me at least. Which means, more importantly, that I won't have to get up at 4.30am every morning for much longer (even bigger whoo hoo!!)
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